Cinema & Travel : 7+1 alternative European destinations

Cinema and travel are always somehow connected to each other. More than a few times producers have come out of the studios and used the natural or human environment for their needs, managing to produce great films. In this blog post you will find 7 + 1 destinations across Europe that have appeared to some famous or classical movies.

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Anafiotika : A Greek island in the middle of Athens

It was a hot and sunny day and while I was wandering in Athens, I ended up close to the Acropolis once again. There, right at the beginning the paved Dionisiou Areopagitou street and directly opposite to the Acropolis Museum, there is a small road that leads to one of the most picturesque neighborhoods of the city. Built on the slopes of the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis, Anafiotika is a district that looks like a Greek island in the middle of Athens.

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Have i shown you my home? Melbourne & Bangalore

After a long period of absence, it's time to see again a couple of places through the eyes of the most suitable people to talk about them : their inhabitants. Today, Sharon from Melbourne and Sneha from Bangalore will tell you why their hometown is more than just a city. The reason why wherever they may go, they will always be in love with their own place. So, let's read their stories!
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Are you a traveller? Then download these 8 apps on your phone

Technology has evolved over the years and especially the last decades. Smartphones are one of the most important things it has achieved during the 00's and 10's. All of us (well, almost most of us) have at least one smartphone and dozens of new applications come out every day. So, on this post you will be able to read about some of the best Android or iOS apps, that will help you on every trip.
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