Anafiotika : A Greek island in the middle of Athens

It was a hot and sunny day and while I was wandering in Athens, I ended up close to the Acropolis once again. There, right at the beginning the paved Dionisiou Areopagitou street and directly opposite to the Acropolis Museum, there is a small road that leads to one of the most picturesque neighborhoods of the city. Built on the slopes of the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis, Anafiotika is a district that looks like a Greek island in the middle of Athens.

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The Acropolis Museum : The 21st century Parthenon

One thing that no one can doubt is that Acropolis is Greece’s most iconic landmark. Standing there for almost 2500 years, it has survived a lot of wars and rooting. But what was necessary was an area where the thousands of objects that have been found could be on exhibition. And that’s what happened : the Acropolis Museum! Continue reading

10 reasons to visit Athens


1 – It’s full of monuments of the famous ancient Greek civilization

The Greek civilization is one of the oldest and biggest in Europe, stretching back more than 3000 years. Here you can find dozens of monuments from the distant pant. Of course the most recognized is Acropolis. A hill in the centre of city, with ancient temples and buildings. The biggest and most important is the Parthenon, which is dedicated to the goddess Athena. But it’s not only Acropolis. Across the city there are temples, libraries, bridges and a lot of other monuments. And of course there are two museums that you can’t miss : the Archaeological museum and the museum of Acropolis, one of the most astonishing in the world.


 View of Acropolis. On the background you can see the Lecabettus hill.

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